Dealnews - Today's Edition, 2011-10-05 15:01 EDT V-Touch 8GB Touchscreen Expandable MP3 Player for $30 + $2 s&h
V-Touch 8GB Touchscreen Expandable MP3 Player for $30 + $2 s&h TigerDirect offers the Visual Land V-Touch 8GB Touchscreen Expandable MP3 Player, model no. VL-875-8GB-SSB-10-AC, for $29.99. With $2.29 for shipping, that's $16 under our June mention and the lowest total price we could find by $34. (It's also the best price we've ever seen for any V-Touch MP3 player.) It features a 2.8" touchscreen LCD, 2-megapixel camera, miniSD card slot, FM radio, voice recorder, up to 10 hours of audio playback or three hours of video per charge, compatibility with AVI, MPEG-4, 3GP, MP3, WMA, JPG, GIF, BMP, and PNG file formats, and USB connectivity.