Dan's Deals, 2018-10-11 13:17 EDT United: Fly Round-Trip From Los Angeles (And Other Cities) To Tel Aviv For $703 Or 46.9K Sapphire Reserve Points!
Bookable on Priceline. Tickets purchased from Priceline today are refundable until 11:29pm EST tomorrow. Please see this post for directions on how to cancel these tickets. Also bookable on Orbitz or Expedia. Limited seats are available on each date. You must originate from the US for this fare. You must stay in Israel for at least one Saturday and Sunday night. […]

Dan's Deals, 2018-10-10 17:05 EDT United: Fly Nonstop From Newark To Tel Aviv For $878 Or 58K Sapphire Reserve Points Round-Trip!
Bookable on Priceline. Tickets purchased from Priceline today are refundable until 11:29pm EST tomorrow. Please see this post for directions on how to cancel these tickets. Also bookable on Orbitz or Expedia. Limited seats are available on each date. You must originate from the US for this fare. You must stay in Israel for at least one Saturday and Sunday night. […]

Dan's Deals, 2018-10-10 11:37 EDT United: Fly Nonstop From Newark To Tel Aviv For $805 Or 53K Sapphire Reserve Points Round-Trip!
Update: DEAD!