Dealnews - Today's Edition, 2017-11-28 05:14 EST $100 Chevron/Texaco Gas Gift Card for $94 + free shipping
SvmGiftCards via eBay offers a $100 Chevron / Texaco Gift Card for $94 with free shipping. That's $6 off list and the lowest price we could find, although we saw it for $2 less last month.

Dealnews - Today's Edition, 2017-11-24 05:34 EST Purchase $100 IKEA Gift Card Get $20 Gift Card free
IKEA offers a $20 IKEA Gift Card with every $100 spent on IKEA gift cards. That's a future savings of at least $20 and also the best discount/offer we've seen from IKEA. Deal ends November 27.