Dealnews - Today's Edition, 2017-06-30 09:16 EDT Dwell Magazine 1-Year Subscription for $5 for 10 issues
DiscountMags offers Dwell Magazine 1-Year subscription (10 issues) for $19.95. Coupon code "DEALNEWS" cuts the price to $4.99. That's the lowest price we could find by $5.

Dealnews - Today's Edition, 2017-06-27 01:17 EDT Thomas & Friends Magazine 1-Year Subscription: 6 issues for $14
DiscountMags offers a Thomas & Friends Magazine 1-Year Subscription (six issues) for $28.97. Coupon code "DEALNEWS" cuts the price to $13.99. That's the best deal we've seen and the lowest price we could find today by $15.

Note: You can also buy a 2-year subscription at this per-year price.