eDealInfo - Top Deals, 2013-12-19 05:30 EST Looney Tunes Golden Collection Vol. 1-6 DVD - 2011 only $59.99
One Day Only
Looney Tunes Golden Collection Vol. 1-6 DVD - 2011

Compare: Overstock.com ($99.19) | Walmart.com ($99.96) | Rakuten.com ($102.54) | Target.com ($103.59) | Click here to see Real Time Price Comparison.

Click here for complete deal detail and steps on how to get it.

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Dealnews - Today's Edition, 2013-12-19 03:35 EST Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 1-6 on DVD for $60 + free shipping
As one of its daily deals, Amazon offers the Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 1-6 on DVD for $59.99 with free shipping. That's $5 under our April mention and the lowest total price we could find by $37. It includes 24 DVDs and was released in December 2011. Deal ends today.

Order by December 21 for guaranteed delivery by Christmas via 2-day Prime shipping.

Uberi, 2013-12-19 12:31 EST Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volumes 1-6 (DVD) for $59.99 Shipped
Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volumes 1-6 (DVD) for $59.99  shipped.  Here is a screenshot for your reference.  This release includes the first six volumes in the Looney Tunes Golden Collection.  Most places have it for about $99.