Every day, many quality bargain deals are published but not all of them are worth spreading.
'I Need a Bargain' (INAB) is the destination for shoppers to discover good discount shopping offers. On our site,
high quality bargain deals will surface up under each category. You can
follow bargains of your interests. To spread these good deals,
we offer
API for other websites to integrate with.
Our bargain-gathering system combs 8
bargain sources
and has aggregated 2,094,947
deals to date. Our analysis engine classifies these offers into 124
and runs them through a clusterization process before displaying the clustered results right into
your browser.
Another way of looking at INAB is that our site functions as a pre-configured web-based RSS Reader for you.
We find and organize bargains based on your interests and put together
a feed for you.
Our Deal Crawler also acts as an online deal aggregator and our goal is to become your ultimate discount
shopping news source.
Isn't this just like a dozen other coupon websites? Well, not really. What we do here is
synthesizing aspects of coupon sites and discount shopping blogs. We present bargain news
in a way that is searchable, auto-tagged, clustered, and customizable to go beyond what other
RSS Readers can do.
We are exploring more ways to discover excellent deals from more quality
discount shopping sources for you.
We highly recommend you to
customize this bargain site
to get yourself started in bargain hunting.